Become A Part of Our History 

The University of Texas Longhorn Alumni Band began in 1964 with 67 members. Now, LHAB consists of over 4,000 members spanning 12 countries! 

The Alumni Band meets annually for Band Day, for a weekend of camaraderie, playing / marching and the annual Business Meeting. On game day, LHAB and LHB each perform half-time shows of their own and then combine to perform for the ever-appreciative DKR-Texas Memorial Stadium audience.

Did you receive a scholarship from the LHAB? 

Though the fun of Band Day weekend is the event to look forward to each year, the primary purpose of the LHAB is to collect donations for the Longhorn Alumni Band Charitable Fund, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation that oversees the management of donations and the distribution of scholarships to deserving Longhorn Band members. Member gifts and donations for playing events contribute to this fund.

Join us throughout the year!

Area chapters of the Alumni Band are invited throughout the year to perform for various functions such as weddings, parties, parades, etc., in return for donations to the Scholarship Fund. These occasions provide additional opportunities for performing and socializing for the members who participate.

Membership has its privileges…

Annual membership is just $25 and comes with: 

  • Invitation to register for Band Day each year
  • With Band Day Fee, a seat in the stadium for Band Day
  • Access to the online directory on our website
  • Opportunity to perform at area events

What do Membership Dues cover?

Your membership dues cover administrative costs such as tax return preparation, costs associated with archives, web hosting, liability insurance, Longhorn Band functions, office supplies, officer meeting expenses, postage, storage rental, LHAB’s participation with the National Association of Alumni Bands, etc. These are the “costs of doing business” and are separate from Band Day expenses.

Your first year out of LHB is free. Welcome to LHAB!

Get Started!